Friday, September 30, 2005

Sold out to the man!

I added Google Adsense to this blog (and its rss feed) today. If it is annoying, troublesome, etc. Please comment here.

-The guy who sold out

This product really sucks

But in this case that is a good thing. My vacuum has given up the ghost, thrown in the towel, etc, etc. So I went to amazon to start looking for a new one and found the Dyson DC07 which is a refurb model but is also $300 less than the "new" model. Since all the reviewers were practically giving up their first born to get one and since the refurb was actually in my new vacuum price range, I figured maybe I'll try it and see if this thing actually lives up to the hype. I received mine on Wednesday and you know what it completely lives up to the hype. Let's just say we recently steamed our carpets and this vacuum still managed to pull up lots of stuff up. I won't go into the gory details but I did have to empty it 8 times. And if I weren't this impressed I definitely wouldn't be blogging about it. (Either that or the wedding stress has finally gotten to me and this is the only little thing I can control.)

So Dyson rocks! Next time, listen to the British guy babble about not losing suction. And if you need a new vac definitely take a look at the Dysons.

Wednesday, September 14, 2005

Comment online about your doctor ... and get sued

Apparently some doctors are suing patients for posting negative comments about them online. You can see the Wall Street Journal article here.

That first amendment thing is probably overrated anyway.

Friday, September 09, 2005

Just down the road and on the right

And so it begins, US going to take Iran's WMD info to UN. See here.

Well, we already have all the equipment over there anyway...

Tuesday, September 06, 2005

Katrina & The Media

Is it just me or does it seem that the media has actually re-grown a spine? It just seems that even the normally "softball" reporters are taking out bats when they are interviewing government officials.

What does it mean to lose New Orleans?

One of my brothers emailed this to me. It's a pretty good op-ed piece by Anne Rice in the New York Times :

(BTW, is your friend)

Friday, September 02, 2005


My thoughts & prayers go to the people of Louisiana & Mississippi.

My money goes to :

My anger goes toward the ineptness of the government to respond in a timely manner to this crisis.

FYI, Info on Tulane University :