Sunday, January 16, 2005

Elektra and The Phantom

Two movies, but very different reviews :

After Daredevil I was hoping that they would have learned. So I had hope going into the movie that maybe this time it would be different and at the very beginning of Elektra it was very strong and I thought "Cool! They are doing something right!" Unfortunately that sentiment wasn't very long lived. The movie had "Batman syndrome", it had too many bad guys, in fact one of them gets introduced in one scene and about 30 seconds into another is wiped out. I'm sure some comic writers are off crying somewhere. Basically the movie is alot of scenes looking for a coherent plot.

Jennifer Garner in her red suit

Too many bad guys
Forced "romance"
Tries to do too many things
And who names the bad guys that lamely? I kept having Fantasy Island flashbacks whenever they mentioned one of them ...

Elektra gets a thumbs down. Wait for the Video release on this one ... or maybe late night tv if you are having trouble sleeping.

On different note, I also went to go see Phantom of the Opera (we're a select city). If you have seen the musical, the story and music won't be much of a surprise, what will be is the fact that they are able to give the characters a little more depth than they were able to in the broadway version. Minnie Driver is great as Carlotta. The Phantom, Christine and Vicount are also very good. The only thing that doesn't seem to be going for this movie is the reviews by the mainstream critics.

The movie

If you don' like musicals ... maybe this one isn't for you.

Phantom of the Opera get a thumbs up. You will also probably get some bonus points if you bring a date.

Darth Tater

Just in time for "Star Wars: Revenge of the Sith". Hasbro is releasing Darth Tater(scooped by HardOCP). Darth Tater is a Mr. Potatohead with mask, helmet, cape and lightsaber. You can see the High Carb Sith Lord in all of its glory on Hasbro's site.

It's actually distubingly cute.

Tuesday, January 11, 2005

Mini Mac

A $499 "Mac mini" was announced by Steve Jobs today (officially). Its 256MB ram, 1.25 GHz G4, 40GB drive, 32MB video, DVD/CD-R and is 6" x 6" x 2.5 but you need to bring your own monitor, keyboard, and mouse. Still not bad. A 1.42GHz, 80GB drive version for
$599 is also available.

I think one of these may be in my future.

Monday, January 10, 2005

No traction Monday ...

Having a hard time staying focussed today at work. I think I need today to be Friday ... unfortunately its Monday.

Today I found out that President Bush is also an IPOD user (scooped by Take a look at the picture right before he gets on his bike.

On a different note it also appears that there is an effort underway to weaken the "Endangered Species Act".

Enough randomness ... time to get back to trying to focus at work.

Friday, January 07, 2005

It's Friday


I think I need to figure out how to de-stress this whole marriage preparation thing. We should hear back from the church in Miami next week. We're tentatively looking at Nov 19, 2005. This is turning into more of a ramble than post but maybe there'll be gold in here somewhere.

On a side note I keep running into nice places in Dallas to have wedding functions ...

I go a "skin-tight" case from Speck Products for my IPOD. Seems to work pretty well especially since the bottom flips up so you don't have to remove it from the case in order to dock.

Nah ... no gold but it is still Friday. So TGIF one more time with feeling!

Wednesday, January 05, 2005

IPods Rock

I got an IPod for Chrstmas and so far I must say that it lives up to the hype. I've been using it religiously at work and what can I say ... Apple has a very good product. The interface is easy, the capacity is obscene and it just plain looks cool. Did I mention its a whole lot easier move around than a CD binder ...

Thunbs up, wholeheartedly.

Sunday, January 02, 2005

Feliz Ano Nuevo

Happy New Year even if it is a day late!

I had a New Year's Eve party which lasted into the wee afternoon of New Years day ... it's the first party I've thrown that has lasted 22 hours so I'm hoping it was a hit. Johanna and I had a great time, although I am glad that New Year's only comes once a year because although there was sleep had during that time period it was still pretty exhausting. My dog was even thrown off by the whole thing and spent most of yesterday sleeping as she couldn't bring herself to sleep until everyone at the party crashed.

But enough about that, to ring in the New Year one my friends, Jerone, has unveiled his blog to the rest of us, it is the "Thoughts Thunk too hard" Blog. Apparently this blogging adventure is somewhat viral. So go ahead and check it out.

Finally, the wedding adventure continues. The wedding is now in Miami and no longer in Rome. Miami got the best 2 out of 3 in the coin toss this afternoon. My fiance also has her first wedding meltdown today but she has recovered. Only 11 months to go ... God helps us.