Harry Potter's Car has been stolen
The "Flying" Ford Anglia from the Harry Potter movies has been stolen off of the studio lot. Here is the article :
BTW, Harry Potter & The Goblet of Fire opens on 11/18.
boldly going ... somewhere
The "Flying" Ford Anglia from the Harry Potter movies has been stolen off of the studio lot. Here is the article :
Seen on digg.com :
In Turkey, 20 Kurds were fined for carrying signs (written in Kurdish) that contained the letters W & Q at a Kurdish New Year celebration. Those letters are not part of the Turkish alphabet and their use is illegal. The Turkish alphabet has all of the letters in the English alphabet except "q", "w", and "x" and in addition, it has six other characters that won't show up correctly unless you have a Turkish font installed on your computer. Go here to have a look.
Found this one on digg.com. I got Aragorn :
It's almost that time of year again, yes in 13 days it will be November. November is a time for Turkey, at least one wedding I know of, and of course lots of inspiration and perspiration from writers. Novemeber is of course, National Novel Writing Month or NANOWRIMO for short. The goal of NANOWRIMO is to get people writing and also to get them to write a 50,000 word novel by the stroke of midnight on Novermber 30th. It does not have to be an awe inspiring, prize winning novel, it just needs to be complete. And a deadline is a great motivator.
The panda cub born to Mei Xiang at the National Zoo in Washington D.C. was finally named, Tai Shan, which translates to "peaceful mountain". As a chinese tradition panda cubs are not named for the first 100 days because of their high mortality rate in captivity, delaying the naming of the cub is a way to "trick the fates" into letting the cub live longer. Anyways, here are the related CNN & MSNBC articles :
Mosquito is a fan based (Browncoat) parody of Firefly. I personally cannot vouch if it is any good as they have exceeded their download limit until sometime Wednesday. But apparently it is supposed to be.
It's about 1:30am. I should be in bed but I'm not.
Go see Serenity. But in the mean time take the test. My results :
You scored as Simon Tam. The Doctor. You have a gift for healing that goes beyond education. You took an oath to do no harm, even when your patients have tried to kill you. You are out of place where you are, being used to refined society. However, if you take that stick out of your arse you should be fine. |
Well I made my way to Music Hall at Fair Park in Dallas to see Wicked - The Musical last night. The musical is based on the book "Wicked" by Gregory Maguire who also happens to be releasing a sequel to the book, "Son of a Witch".
Sometimes planning a wedding can be stressful so today :
According to slickdeals.net, Amazon / Toys R Us has a buy 1 get 1 free coupon for Hasbro, Milton Bradley, and Parker Brothers games.
The quick and easy way to write your congressional representatives.
It's a great movie. If you are a fan of the Firefly series you have probably already seen it. If you haven't seen the movie, do yourself a favor and go. It's just like the last couple of star wars movies except it is actually good, and has no aliens or jedi.