Saturday, December 25, 2004

Merry Christmas

Merry Christmas everybody!!!

It was a white christmas .. in Houston, which hasn't happenned since 1986.
A good time was had by all.

Thursday, December 23, 2004

We've got approval

My future mother-in-law has decided that she really likes the idea of a Rome wedding.
So the we're eloping and you are welcome to come along with us idea now has wings.

Wednesday, December 22, 2004

Man builds Giant Robot to defend Home

OK ... maybe that title is a little far fetched, but according to this article on Engadget and the original link from CNET News, a man in Alaska is building a Giant Robot/Exoskeleton in his backyard. He plans to be finished by next summer and then plans to go to the local racetrack and test out the "mecha's" destructive uses on some old cars.

Tuesday, December 21, 2004

Potter mania to begin again...

Several headlines are now showing that book 6 of the series : Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince, will be released on July 16th, 2005. I'll never forget walking into Costco picking up my Order of the Phoenix book, walking over to get some bagels and then walking past the now more than half gone palate of books on my way to the checkout. What are the chances it will be that crazy this time?

We've lost our minds ...

Well unless my fiance get talked out of it by her mom during negotiations at Christmas, it looks like we may be doing a "we're eloping to rome but you are welcome to come along" wedding during Thanksgiving week. Tickets (~$350) and hotels should be dirt cheap since it is the off season and the weather should be cool but not cold ... Of course at this point the idea does not have clearance from her mother ... so we'll see how that goes.

Tuesday, December 14, 2004

My current mantra

Meet the wednesday deadline ...
Sleep later...
Oooh! Shiny!
Meet the Wednesday deadline ....

Thursday, December 09, 2004

Dude, a linguistic Study

If you have ever found yourself using the word dude then you should head over to take a sneak peek at this CNN article.A linguist at the University of Pittsburgh has written a paper on the subject which, among other things, discusses the "effortless kinsmanship" that the word brings.

So here's to you dudes!

Cellphones, or things that make you go SHHH

Engadget is reporting that the Society for Handheld Hushing, or SHHH, have a pdf available to help combat the next cell phone conversation you overhear in those inapropriate places and times. The notes aren't necessarily as "reasonably polite" as they claim, but they do get the point across for even the most dense invidual.

Monday, December 06, 2004

Fun with Cryptology : The Davinci Code

Over Thanksgiving I finished reading "The Davinci Code" by Dan Brown, I was hesitant the read the book at first because of all the buzz surrounding it (I guess I am just contrary) but finally broke down when I needed something to read on the flight. I walked into the airport bookstore and there it was staring at me with its glossy cover, beckoning me to purchase it. Several of my dollars later I was onboard my flight reading away. The story revolves around Harvard Symbologist, Robert Langdon, who receives a late-night phone call asking for his help with regards to a bizarre murder at the Louvre museum in Paris. And then a mystery begin to unfold. I'll stop the synopsis there as I don't want to unintentionally give anything away. It was a good read. I thoroughly enjoyed it from beginning to end and finished it rather quickly. One thing for the traveling reader that I really liked is that, for the most part, the chapters are fairly short so its very easy to get to a stopping point if you need to put it down so you don't miss your connection. Does the storyline ruffle quite a few feather? Very much so. Or at least I can see where feathers would be ruffled. Of course you must remember that this is a work of fiction and although it has enough facts interspersed throughout to give it a very good sense of realism, at the end of the day it is a book meant to entertain not provide any definitive historical evidence.

The book gets a thumbs up.

Now if you haven't read the book you might want to stop reading here. Also if you are familiar with the book and consider yourself someone whose feathers would be ruffled, stop now as well. The book draws from several tiny bits of "enigmatic" history/rumor. Like :

The Rennes-Le-Chateau Mystery
The Magdalene Cult
The Gnostic Gospels
The Gospel of Q
The Priory of Sion

Also more recent non-enigmatic info :
Opus Dei
Louvre Pyramid
The Dead Sea Scrolls
The Merovingians (not just the guy in the Matrix sequels)

As well as The Templars, The Cathars, etc.

No matter on which side of the ruffled feather crowd you stand, the book has a side effect of having you think more about your religion and maybe asking some questions which is really never a bad thing.

I like how he throws in some facts with his fiction and so I'm about start Dan Brown's first Robert Langdon Book, Angels & Demons . I'll write that one up as well when I'm done. His third book is supposed to have something to do with the Masons and I'll hazard a bet it will have something to do with this place.

Friday, December 03, 2004

Domestic Cheese Trays

Well the quest for the wedding locations/date has begun although still a little half-heartedly (after christmas the real fun will begin). So far 3 cities are in the running Dallas, New Orleans, and Miami. We have shot down the destination wedding at this point just so we don't unitentionally stop anyone from coming due to a budget crunch. Speaking of budgets, these wedding things seem to be able to get out of hand pretty quickly, just doing a cursory look around, I kinda have to cringe at the thought of an imported cheese tray ...

Wednesday, December 01, 2004

Virgin Mobile finds niche market

I got this link from "The Really not Anon Girl in A. Town". Apparently if you have issues controlling the urge to call you ex when you are a little drunk ... Virgin Mobile has come to your rescue with this special service. All I can say ... Australia must be an ineteresting place to party.

Thanksgiving ...

Pardon the radio silence, just recently got back into town. I had an excellent time in New Orleans with my *now* fiance' Johanna. There was food, conversation with great friends, site-seeing, lots of wine, and mint-juleps that could have downed a horse. Such a fru-fru name for such a potentially strong drink ...

Also came back with an engagement ring purchased at a really great Jewelry store on Royal St. in the French quarter called "Currents". The proprietors were really great and helpful people, who are more interested in getting you a good and fair deal than trying to sell you any unneeded extras. If you happen to be in the area and looking for some jewelry you might want to pay them a visit.

I finally met my friend Louis' "girlfriend" who is a great artist. We managed to great some great deals on some pieces for my very bare walls. She will definitely be going places ...